Monday 18 April 2011

Mad Hatter's Tea Party

Deliberately mis-matched crockery, where no two plates or cups are the same, is spreading the nation.

The craze, which started out in trendy restaurants, has now spread to homes all over Britain - a rebellion against the rigid, formal, starched tablecloth rules, which have governed dinner parties in Britain for the last century.

The style is common in the latest trendy teahouses, which deliberately mix and match vintage cups and saucers but carefully co-ordinate the different colours and patterns to achieve an artistic end result.

The trend towards crockery in different shapes, colours and sizes has also gained momentum following the release of Tim Burton’s hit film Alice in Wonderland last year.

In the film, key characters, including Helena Bonham Carter and Johnny Depp, are seen sitting at a table with an outlandish tea set.

According to Ladette to Lady social and etiquette expert, Liz Brewer said: "Offering an assortment of interesting cups, saucers and tea plates is a natural twist to traditional afternoon tea, so it makes sense that this is now extending into dinner parties and other social occasions."

It may well be the latest trend but, as someone who matches everything from food to underwear, I doubt it will be one I follow.